The use of laser achieves major improvements in both the acne and the scars caused by it many times and eliminating the use of medicines.
The Smoothbeam is a diode laser (wavelength 1450nm) that emits an invisible to the human eye (infrared) beam which selectively absorbed by the water of the skin and works on many levels.
This is achieved:
a) Suppression of inflammation in lesions of acne
b) antisepsis of skin and lesions of acne
c) Atrophy of sebaceous resources to acquire normal status and
d) Activation of physiological mechanisms of regeneration, with clear improvement of scars and texture of the skin.
We note the following.
1. Treatment includes 6 sessions every 20-30 days.not recommended for entry in summer.
2. We see a significant improvement of acne and oily from the very first sessions. The treatment used to treat old and new scars from acne with very satisfactory results and gradual improvement of these lesions even 6 months after the end of the therapy.
3. During the laser treatment for acne, do not require use of other medications. But it can be used in combination with such treatments if this is necessary.
Scars Of Acne